Delegate Tony McConkey's Official Blog

Delegate Vacancy In District 33

delegate-vacancy-in-district-33As of Friday, February 20, 2015, there is a delegate vacancy in District 33. After just five weeks into the four year term, Delegate Cathy Vitale is resigning to accept a Governor O’Malley appointment to the Circuit Court. So the process begins to find a worthy replacement.

“Congratulations To Our New Delegate Mike Malone!”

Mar 16, 2015 – Michael Malone Sworn In As New District 33 Delegate – Cap
Mar 5, 2015 – Central Committee Sends District 33 Nominee To Gov Hogan – Cap

Click here to listen to a 5 minute introduction from each of the candidates (AUDIO starting at minute 5:30)

Feb 25, 2015 – Meet The Applicants For Delegate In District 33 – Cap
Feb 25, 2015 – Hogan, Anne Arundel GOP Could Be On Collision Course – Cap
Feb 23, 2015 – Sixteen People Apply To Fill Delegate Seat – Cap
Feb 13, 2015 – Walker, George Pull Out Of District 33 Delegate Nomination – Cap

The Central Committee has set up a schedule to accept applications, interview and select for the position. Their schedule is listed below.

In addition, I am hosting a meeting Tuesday, February 24th, at 5:30 PM (Click here to listen to the AUDIO of the event starting at minute 5:30) in the Anne Arundel Delegation Room, Room 142, in the Lowe’s House Office building. The purpose of the meeting is to give interested candidates a chance to introduce themselves to members of the delegation and to residents of District 33 who are encouraged to attend.

District 33 is represented in the Maryland House of Delegates by three delegates. I, Tony McConkey, was first elected in 2002 and am now beginning my fourth term. I serve on the House Appropriations Committee. Cathy has served since 2011 and has been a member of what is now the Environment and Transportation Committee. Our third representative is Sid Saab who just started his first term and is a member of Health and Government Operations.


Replacement Timeline For the Republican State Central Committee of Anne Arundel County:

  • February 20, 2015: RSCCAAC issues public announcement and press release (1) listing names of all candidates who have filed a timely and complete application for the anticipated vacancy; and (2) calling for public comment on candidates.
  • February 24, 2015: RSCCAAC issues public announcement and press release (1) confirming that the vacancy has actually occurred; and (2) confirming the date, time and location for the Public Hearing where candidates will be interviewed. All public comments should be emailed to .
  • February 27, 2015: DEADLINE FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS on District 33 Delegate vacancy.
  • March 3, 2015: PUBLIC HEARING on District 33 Delegate vacancy for CANDIDATE INTERVIEWS and VOTE. Note this will be a special meeting of the RSCCAAC, starting at 6:00 PM in the Lowe’s House Office Building in Room 145.
  • March 4, 2015: RSCCAAC regular meeting and continuation of PUBLIC HEARING on District 33 Delegate vacancy, if necessary. Again, if necessary, time and location to be announced.
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